During the interview with Mr. Fukazawa, he mentioned that his favourite proverb is “Mountain from Dust by Daichido-ron”.
“Chiri mo tsumoreba yama to naru”
It beautifully describes the idea that even the tiniest bit of dust, when gathered together, can become a gigantic mountain. To summarise, it reminds us of the remarkable power of accumulation and the idea that small, consistent efforts can lead to significant results.
Imagine seeing a mountain as tall as Mount Fuji. It didn't form overnight but through stacking countless amount of dust, pebbles, and rocks over an immense period. Each of them played a role in creating this natural wonder.
This proverb can be an inspiring lesson for high school students. Whether you're struggling in a school project, working towards a long-term goal, or even just trying to improve a skill, it's essential to understand that greatness often comes from small and consistent efforts. Here are a few takeaways from this ancient wisdom:
1. Persistence Pays Off – Just like the mountain, you can’t get to the end instantly. It's fine to start small and keep building over time.
2. Consistency Matters – Regular and small actions add up.
3. Patience is a Virtue – Just as the mountain took time to form, be patient with your progress. Understand that it's okay to take your time to grow and learn.
So, the next time you face a challenge that seems overwhelming, remember this Japanese proverb. The smallest actions, when stacked, can transform them into a mountain of achievement. Don't be discouraged by the size of the task at hand; embrace the power of accumulation and watch as your small efforts become something truly magnificent.
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